A superficial glance at the relationship between science and religion may suggest that they are polar opposites. Renowned scientists such as Sigmund Freud and Richard Dawkins have viewed religion as delusional. Freud thought religious ritual was nothing more than the collective manifestation of an infantile obsessive neurosis while Dawkins argues that religion is not only irrational but also deadly. However, a closer look at religion and science tells us that they have much in common regarding their potential benefits and harmful consequences.

Humans have a longing to make sense of the world, to derive meaning in the face of chaos and uncertainty. Many turn to science and religion as a means to construct and comprehend a predictable and ordered reality. These two universal frames of reference need not be at odds with each other but can peacefully live in harmony. The intellect takes pleasure in investigating both spiritual and material reality. The modern philosopher Immanuel Kant notes, "Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe -- the starry heavens above me, and the moral law within me."

Both science and religion are subject to faulty human interpretation and self-interest, and both can be overly romanticized, villainized and susceptible to eroding into dogma. On some level, both require a leap of faith and at times, both are forced to turn to the discourse of analogy and metaphor to describe phenomena. Science is not always objective and bias-free nor cold and unimaginative, while religion is not always superstitious and irrational or benevolent and selfless. They each continue to generate knowledge that makes the world a better place to live and allow us to transcend the monotony of everyday life. Unfortunately, both can also be utilized to do harm, degrade humanity and bring about untold suffering. As a result, we must be ever cognizant and hopeful that together, with moderation and care, science and religion can coexist together in assisting humanity in carrying forward an ever-advancing civilization.

Ironically, the science of physics, which is traditionally viewed as the discipline most dedicated to the study of matter, provides us with conclusions that are akin to what many of the world religions have been telling us for thousands of years. The scientific findings originating from quantum physics reveal a universe that is mysterious, beautiful interdependent and poetic. We have scientific evidence that separateness is not a true representation of reality, but that a vast web of interconnectedness and unity underlie the ordering of the universe. Eastern and Western religions have always spoken to these relatively recent scientific insights.

Experiments suggest that subatomic particles are not separate, but blend into a field of energy with each particle behaving as a part of a larger interconnecting whole. Under observation it appears as if each particle knows what all the other particles will do as they all move together in unison. Physicist David Bohm explains these results through the metaphor of a hologram. A hologram analogy suggests the universe operates in such a way that when divided into separate parts, each segment still contains information characteristic of the whole. Subatomic particles move in awareness of each other because they are fundamentally one in nature and to envision them as separate is an illusion.

Yet how can we account for all the distinct separateness we see in the world if everything is unified at the subatomic level? Subatomic particles also house an individual diversity that is embedded within their overall unity. How then are we to understand the paradox of unity in diversity? Bohm compares this to whirlpools in a river. They appear to be separate as they possess many individualistic attributes. But a closer look tells us that they are an expression of the river and in no way can you determine where the whirlpool ends and the river begins. The hologram, represented by a seamless whole of interconnectedness, is an analogy in which religion can also share. Is to view each other, nations and faiths as separate not part of this same illusion? Is humanity not waves of the same ocean?

The expression of love toward others is a reflection and projection of the interconnectedness that is inherent within matter, society and at the core of our very being. When we harm each other we harm ourselves. Let us not neglect our human interconnectedness through the misuse of science or religion. For these are the very tools that can assist us in better understanding the fundamental principle of oneness deposited in our own hearts as well as within the heart of creation itself.